Humber and North Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub
View a summary of workforce and training schemes here, or find details for each scheme in the links below.
As the Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub in Humber and North Yorkshire we are able to provide training support for local practices. We coordinate local workforce and training schemes on behalf of Health Education England (HEE) and NHS England and Improvement (NHSE/I). This includes aiding practices to develop supervisors and assessors, offer student placements and employ and train a variety of roles supporting workforce development.
Each of the 42 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) across England have an appointed Training Hub, for more information on Training Hubs nationally visit:
Training Hubs | Health Education England
Training Hubs and how they work | Health Education England
Video: What are Training Hubs?
Video: How do ICSs Work?